The consortium consists of 11 partners:
- EREN (Ente público Regional de la Energía de Castilla y León), Spain
- ISINNOVA (Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems), Italy
- AEA (Austrian Energy Agency), Austria
- ARM (Association of Rhodope Municipalities), Bulgaria
- BSERC (Black Sea Energy Research Centre), Bulgaria
- CRES (Centre for Renewable Energy Sources), Greece
- ANKO (Regional Development Agency of Western Macedonia), Greece
- ARPA ER ( Regional agency for environmental protection in Emilia-Romagna Region), Italy
- (CTI Italian Thermo-technical Committee), Italy
- Ekodoma, Latvia
- RPR (Riga Planning Region), Latvia
The RES H/C SPREAD project intends to develop pilot six regional plans in the field of the heating and cooling renewable energies.
The project involves six pilot Regions pertaining to as many European countries representing the EU main climatic zones, with a prevalence of the Mediterranean nations. The planning exercise aims at setting harmonized and standard baselines to better allow the developers to set their targets and policies. These baselines will provide robust and detailed maps of the RES H/C supply and demand potentialities as well as an in depth analysis of the local action plans (like the SEAPs) developed in the reference territories.
In each Region, Country Governance Committees will be constituted to support the plans implementation and to help reach the consensus on the proposed policies among the Regional Authorities, key stakeholders and citizens representatives. The plans will then developed in accordance with the regional demand for heating and cooling and, in particular, in line with the EED requirements, “optimize the utilization of locally available residual and waste sources of heat, cooling and RES through the use of district heating & cooling networks in areas of sufficient heat and cooling demand.”
In the last phase of the project, a methodological and technical guide, will be produced and distributed among the main target users including national and regional authorities, energy agencies and regulatory boards.
General scope and results
The RES H/C SPREAD project has developed six regional pilot plans in the field of heating and cooling with renewable energies, in order to harmonize baselines and therefore allow better policy planning. The project involves six pilot regions (Castilla y Leon in Spain, Emilia Romagna in Italy, Salzburg in Austria, Riga in Latvia, Western Macedonia in Greece and Rhodope in Bulgaria).
The pilot regions have benefitted from procedural and methodological support in developing their own plans for the optimal use of renewable energy for heating and cooling. Special attention has been devoted to improving participatory governance, enabling the collaboration of regional and national stakeholders. In each region, the project has established Country Governance Committees to support the plans’ implementation and to help regional authorities, key stakeholders and citizen representatives reach consensus. The plans have been developed in accordance with the regional demand for heating and cooling and with Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) requirements: “to optimize the utilization of locally available residual and waste sources of heat, cooling and RES through the use of district heating & cooling networks in areas of sufficient heat and cooling demand.
In the long term, it is hoped that the project outputs will support the establishment of regional plans in additional areas, by providing an example of best practices for guidance, procedures and planning methods.