Though achieving the largest energy efficiency improvement in recent years, the household sector is still responsible for a considerable share of energy consumption in Europe: 29% of final energy consumption takes place in the household sector, where heating and cooling account for around 66% of the total energy use at home, this becoming the largest energy expense for most families. Families with children are at the core of the FIESTA project, aiming to cut their energy consumption and related emissions by fostering improvements in their daily habits to make them more energy-efficient and particularly in their use of heating and cooling systems at home.
General scope and target public
General scope and target public
FIESTA project aims at reducing energy consumption in housings and emissions related to it, by helping families :
FIESTA’s partnership is wide and counts upon 19 partner institutions from 5 southern European countries (Spain, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria and Cyprus), all committed to support families in the reduction of their home energy consumption. Particular attention is paid to the involvement of vulnerable consumers (such as families with low income, living in social housing and similar) in all project activities.
Objectives and actions
Objectives and actions
At first place, an Energy Help Desk (EHD) has been established in each partner city and it will help families improve their use of energy and achieve real energy savings at home.
A wide range of local stakeholders (schools, social housing bodies, consumers and environmental associations, heating and cooling-devices’ retailers and installers, energy agencies and similar) will be actively involved in the project activities to enlarge the number of targeted people informed and lay the ground for the exploitation of project initiatives, including after the end of the project.
One of the most important actions of the project is the organization of 150 energy audits in each town, and a yearly lottery to win energy efficient systems. At the end of the project, 2.100 home energy audits will be performed in 14 cities, with estimated energy savings amounting to 328 toe/year and estimated greenhouse gas emissions’ reduction amounting to 1.130 tCO2.