The consortium consists of 6 partners:
The BIO-EN-AREA project aims at exchanging and transferring experiences among partners in order to increase their capacities to favour and optimize the use of bioenergy.
The major objective is to improve regional policies for bioenergy, and help partners to draft or implement their Regional Biomass Action Plan, as the main expected result and operational objective.
Another major objective, as expected result and/or impact of the elaborated methodology for regional biomass action plans is to support some areas becoming good examples of sustainable development of bioenergy at territorial level.
General scope and results
BIO-EN-AREA is the tool to share experiences on policy bioenergy issues at regional level.
As sub-objectives of the project can be mentioned:
- To exchange experiences on good practices at regional and territorial scale-levels for the use and development of different types of biomass.
- To transfer methodological experience for a limited number of good practices from some more advanced to other less advanced partners with regard to these practices.
- To share and transfer experiences with a view to adopt a new approach aimed at the elaboration of Territorial biomass action plans.
There were Key events like 3 thematic seminars on the development of bioenergy from:
- Forest & wood biomass,
- Energy crops, agricultural by-products & livestock wastes biomass,
- Urban waste biomass.
As BIO-EN AREA is a miniprogramme, it has subprojects where participants share experiences on good practices for bioenergy development at local level, transfer methodologies relating to promising practices, develop new approaches for bioenergy planning at territorial level.
Communication is a major activity, with the EU regions and bioenergy stakeholders as main target, and the project’s website, a semi-annual newsletter and open seminars and conferences are the main communication tools.
Results & outputs
The main outputs will be:
- 4 draft Regional Biomass Action Plans (BAP)
- 2 BAP Implementation guidelines
The final project’s publication are brief in 3 volumes:
- Improved regional policies for bioenergy and territorial development, synthesis of BAP or BAP implementation guidelines drafted by each partner.
- Main results of experiences on forest and woody biomass, energy crops, agricultural by-products and livestock wastes biomass and urban waste biomass.
- Main results from the Sub-projects, and recommendations for their integration into regional policies.
An important expected impact is the promotion of “pioneer bioenergy areas” in each partner region. At wider level, the constitution of an EU BIO-EN-AREA network with other regions and bodies interested in bioenergy will prepare the project’s follow up.