The objective of this project is to raise awareness among rural communities in the countries covered by the project about the problem of air pollution, its reasons, the effects on health and the possible solutions that the inhabitants can take to mitigate the problem and reduce the local air pollution. This objective will be achieved by training rural teachers on the topic of air pollution and by giving them the educational materials they will use to teach their students and students about the problem. The project focuses on rural areas because public awareness of the problem is much lower among rural communities compared to the inhabitants of larger cities. Therefore, the project responds to the awareness and education gap that is the most serious within rural areas.
The activities can be grouped into four groups: capacity building, policy change, communication and project management. The first group includes the thematic workshops and the continuous exchange of experiences among the partners through joint meetings. The elaborate methodology of policy learning that is implemented in Phase 1 of the project supports the accumulation of skills as knowledge about the latest good practices is collected and analyzed inside and outside the countries and regions addressed. In addition, state-of-the-art studies following a common methodology and mutual feedback, especially through peer-review reports, provide a better understanding of the challenges and feasible solutions. As a result of these works, a second phase of the project will be carried out, in which the implementation of improvement measures will be worked on in each of the regions.
In the specific case of Granada, in addition to addressing the rural areas, the objective of the project is to serve the municipalities that make up the fertile plain of Granada, where there is high air pollution, and where there are rural practices that do not help to reduce this problem.
The project will develop 4 main educational products:
- O1 Curriculum for teachers form primary and secondary schools
- O2 Training content for the classes lessons prepared in the multimedia way.
- O3 Pilot testing
- O4 Open Educational Resources (OER)
Specifically, the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada is responsible for the following project activities:
- O3 Pilot testing (Test of the pilot courses)
- Module 3: Impact of the Pollution on human health (Impact of pollution on human health)
After the preparation of the content of the training, pilot tests will be carried out in each country. The pilot test will consist of two phases. The first phase will be carried out in the main target group: teachers of primary and secondary schools in rural areas. This training will be carried out by instructors of the staff of the partners and the apprentice will be a teacher (20 teachers from each country). The second part of the pilot test will be carried out by trained teachers with the participation of children and young people from primary and secondary schools (minimum 30 children). Such type of test of the content of the training will allow to verify the quality and the suitability of the training material prepared on two groups of interested parties: teachers during the trainings planned for them and during the trainings carried out by them with the participation of their students. Each training will be preceded by a short film prepared within the framework of the project. After these two pilot sessions in each country, a survey will be conducted for quality verification.