GreenS is an EU initiative supported by the European Commission through the H2020 Programme with the main goal is to strengthen capacity of public authorities to successfully apply GPP with priority, enhancing their ability and capacity to save energy, reduce CO2 emissions and costs by applying innovative solutions on GPP.
GreenS Objectives:
Working Programme:
By the establishment of “supporting permanent structures”, called G.PP.S. – Green Public Procurement Supporters (Supporting Units) within the participating Energy Agencies, the project implementation provides long-term support and technical assistance on GPP to the public authorities, and multi-level cooperation among different actors at national, regional and local level on GPP. The project objectives are to address the obstacles to the uptake of GPP that have been identified by the partners in their own country (context analysis) and which come from the Institutional needs on GPP and Good and bad practices analysis in each participating country.
The implementation of pilot projects, by aiming to intensively consult public administrations in the implementation of pilot green procurement process, have the scope to test on the field that are the most efficient and effective actions to provide GPP implementation and up-take.